Monday, October 15, 2012
What would Peter have said if someone asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up? Maybe "I was going to be a fisherman, then I met this dude and he messed that all up".
Mother Teresa said, "don't worry about your career. Concern hourly with your vocation and that is to be a lover of Jesus!"
Let God define you!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Outside of the lines
I don't want to spend 40 hours a week at work simply to pay my bills and survive another two weeks. I don't want to live for the weekends or for my weekly sitcom. I want to live recklessly abandoned for God! I want to be a part of His story transforming the lives of real people around me; the world around me. My anticipation for the day should not be built up for dinner, a movie or sinking into a couch! My anticipation should build up to the moment or moments that God shows up in my day. It sucks because as much as I want to live this different life, I am a product of my environment and as I strive for this life of REAL fulfillment, my flesh, my selfishness, and my laziness drag me back into the mold society has cast for me. I will continue to strive and continue to reach for a life that is based on truth, not the facade of comfort and viewing from a distance. I pray that God would refine me and lead me in this path. I pray for courage, boldness, and the strength to stand up against myself. God is Good and He is real!
We all have the ability to share with someone the key that may release them from captivity. We must be bold with the word of God and with his Love that He pours in and through us. Pray for God to allow you to see with His eyes today!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Little a this Little a that
Monday, August 13, 2012
Be Still
I didn't realize what it was that first drew me to the wilderness. I think it was the adventure and my desire to get away from all the clutter. I was invited on a backpacking trip through the collegiate peaks near Buena Vista Colorado when I was 16. The only camping I had done at this point was in my back yard. I spent that week, learning how to wipe with leaves, experiencing the effects of going from sea level to 14,000 feet in 48 hours, and falling in love with the majesty that is nature.
I was hooked! Back in North Carolina, my best friend and I would find any excuse to escape to Pisgah National Forest. Being naive teenagers, we would leave a party at mid night, throw some sleeping bags in the Explorer and make the 2 hour trip to Linville Gorge where a 1.5 mile hike down the mountain awaited us. It was miserable in the moment as we hiked in the dark and pretty much stumbled down the mountain, but completely worth it to hear the rush of the river as we laid down to sleep. The Gorge was our escape in high school. It freed us from the world and made us feel alive. The parties and social scene could never fill my bucket but something about the wild made me overflow.
I took another trip to Colorado then to Montana, Wyoming, California, Oregon, Idaho, and Arizona, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras. Everywhere I go, I encounter Gods creation and I am overwhelmed, I am set free.
The clear water of the Caribbean purifies my mind and reminds me of God's perfection.
The Rockies shock me and contend that I am but a man.
The Tetons cut into the sky the way Gods truth is meant to penetrate our hearts.
I see his creativity and joy in the sky.
I see His gentleness in the face of a child.
And His might in the strike of lightning and the roar of thunder.
He fills the depths of the Grand Canyon and the heights of the sky.
The horses of Shakelford Island remind me of His provision.
The Volcanoes of Central America cry out that God is raw and unrefined.
His love can be seen and felt by simply saying yes.
The wilderness demands this response. You must "be still and know that He is God."
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Our Trip Home
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
Be the Church
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Compelled by the burden
This is God response to years of disobedience by the Israelites. They knew God but turned from Him to things made by human hands. I believe God feels the same way as He looks at the world around us now, especially America. We have turned to our subtle idols, tv, clothes, cars, jobs, phones, and self fulfillment. We have become comfortable and lost sight of the one and only God who has given us life. I pray for God to burden you and I for this dark world. Let us be moved by Gods heart for the lost, the decieved and the comfortable. We are the light in the darkness and Jesus is our hope!
Much love
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Burdened for the Deceived
Thursday, February 23, 2012
The Way!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Edith is a woman who has been burned into my memory because of her loud personality and role in my life. She is a 40 year old, disabled black woman who lives in the projects of Charleston.
As I stood in the parking lot of an abandoned gas station cooking hot dogs on a portable grill, I began to wonder if what we were doing was crazy. Some friends and I had felt compelled to go to the projects of Charleston and set up a table offering free food and the love of Christ. At this point, we hadn’t gotten much more than some confused looks and a few honks from the passing cars. I began to question our purpose and if we were doing this in vain or in God’s name. My answer came soon after that from a short stocky black woman yelling at us from about 50 yards away.
Edith got our attention 50 yards out and carried a conversation all the way to us without ever changing her tone. Within minutes she realized that we really were serving free hot dogs and that we just wanted to talk to people. She said, “y’all don’t go anywhere I will be right back.”
10 minutes later we had a line of about 20 people waiting to eat with us and to here about Gods call on our lives and theirs. It was like Edith was the voice of the homeless. She was their advocate checking out the new guys to see if we were worth the trip.
This was the first of many interactions with Edith over a period of time that allowed me to get to know her life very well. She opened up to me and shared about her family and her dark situation in the projects. I will never forget what she taught me about self esteem, hope and
the confidence that can be found within.
I was driving her home one day and she told me her apartment was the one with the sunflowers. I continued driving and looking for a door with a wreath or a sunflower door mat when right there, in the line of identical public housing apartments, was a 5 foot tall sunflower. I asked Edith about it and she came alive. She told me how she had to go to the housing office to get permission, then she planted the seed and watered the seed and watched it become what it is now. She was so proud of that sunflower and for a moment she wasn’t the woman in the projects, she was the woman who grew a sunflower.
Edith opened my eyes to one of the biggest traps in poverty; Lack of motivation and self worth. If the world says you are worthless, you will be worthless. But we are all capable of something; Edith grew a sunflower. Help someone discover that something.