I have been here before and was hoping that I would not return. Its a difficult but powerful thing to be humbled by the Lord and your surroundings. The last time I was in this position, the Lord taught me to depend on Him and to serve no matter the circumstances. Serving bagels for minimum wage with a college degree and in a very negative environment taught me to depend on Him. God met me in my vulnerability and disappointment at work. His power was made perfect in my weakness. Again I am working in a restaurant making less money than I need and surrounded by negativity. When I listen to people's stories at work, I find very little hope. I hear of hardship after hardship along with contentment amidst the chaos. Whether its a $1 tip on a $30 check or a daycare bill that can't be paid, many of the employees that work around me are run down and they wear their burdens on their sleaves. I don't mind the work because I get to meet new people and stay busy but I am reminded daily of the brokenness of this world and the shortcomings of man. I am humbled again in this place but its where the Lord has me which is something I have only recently accepted. I believe He will keep me there until my education is complete. So far I am learning that actions speak loudly and we are called to
LIVE out faith through obedience and love. Rather than focusing on my progress and how I am to succeed, the Lord has brought my attention back to the people in front of me. Three co-workers approached me yesterday to discuss Christ in my life. God is opening doors and again I am reminded of His call to simply obey.