So I am back in NC for summer break and I'm getting MARRIED!!!!!! I'm so stoked to me marrying the woman of my dreams! God is taking us on an amazing journey.
So I want to give a little update on the past few months in Roatan. The mentoring program has grown to over 40 kids twice a week. Some women from the church have been cooking meals for us and there have been many new volunteers who have come along side of what God is doing in French Harbour. Two of my best friends, Aaron and Martha Parrish moved to the island for 3 months and helped put some structure to the program. They made such and impact on the kids and on me during their time on the island. Before they came, I had just been shooting from the hip each week and showing up to hang out with a bunch of kids but they were able to challenge me to seek and cast a vision for the program. It was awesome to work with Martha as she put in constant work to mold and push the program forward. We are very different in our approach to things but in this situation it brought immense progress. I now have a more clear vision for the reasons God has placed Kendall and I in this community. They left in mid May and have been deeply missed by me and the kids. While they were helping in French Harbour we experienced awesome provision. Aaron and Martha had been spending money everyday going back and forth to a local place to print out educational resources which was very inconvenient. After about 2 weeks, a lot of money spent and time wasted traveling back forth, a group of visiting missionaries randomly donated a brand new printer/copier to us. Thank you Jesus. In that same week, we recieved over $1600 of unexpected donations. This money has been such a blessing because it has freed us up to provide for the needs of these kids and of the program.
I gathered up 9 kids 2 weeks ago, piled them in my car and drove to the local orphanage where we played an epic soccer game VS. the orphanage team. Following the game, I took all the kids out for pizza where we talked about the game, good sportsmanship and the Love I have for them which is from God. These are powerful experiences that donations like we received a month ago have allowed us to do. Thank you to everyone who supports us. lives are truly being changed and these young men are being empowered by the love of Christ.
The mentoring program was going to stop for the summer when I left for two months but God had other plans. A week before I left, two women approached me and said that they wanted to keep the program going for the summer and that once I got back, they want to expand and offer more to the kids. One of the women, Jennifer, shared her vision with me for a program that functions everyday of the week, providing food for kids and a positive safe environment to keep them off the streets. I am so thankful and encouraged by the way God brings like minded believers together to accomplish His purposes. Thanks for your prayers!
Check out Mine and Kendall's new website: