Tuesday, November 8, 2022


      If you are reading this, then you most likely influenced or supported my family and I while we lived in Roatan, Honduras for a total of 3.5 years between 2009 & 2016.  It’s been 13 years since I first stepped foot on that island which changed my life and the lives of so many others.  

I graduated from college in December 2008 and had freedom to choose my path forward.  After spending time with people in my community and praying, I felt called to “step out in faith”.  For me, this meant doing everything in my power to move toward things that seemed right while trusting the Lord to guide me down the correct path, closing the wrong doors and opening the right ones.  I vividly remember praying, “Lord, I will go through whatever door you open for me first.”  I reached out to schools, non-profits and other organizations all over the world including a school in Roatan, Honduras.  A week later, I was offered a job with a $400/mo stipend and a free apartment in French Harbour, Roatan.  

Over the next 4 months, I sold most of my belongings and raised money from many of you to purchase about $3K of sports equipment to ship down.  Because of the support and donations I was able to start a PE program and sports teams for a school of about 250 kids!   I had no idea what would unfold over the coming years, but am going to take this opportunity to share some stories of how the Lord used us to make an eternal impact.  

I don’t know how many updates I will send over the coming months, but I would like to share some individual stories and hope that they bring you joy, hope and perspective.  You impacted my life and in turn had an impact on the lives of many others.  If nothing else, let these stories be a reminder to us that every action we take has the potential to have ripple effects for years and even generations to come.  I will also include links within these newsletters that will link to some of my original blog posts written at the time of the events.

FH Boys 

2009: My roommate & I were going out for dinner when a group of boys between the ages of 8 - 10 approached us.  Pablo, the most charismatic of the group, asked us if we could buy them something to eat.  

My heart broke for these boys who literally walked the streets day in and day out, begging for food, playing soccer, and getting into trouble.  We began talking and I realized that none of them could read and they didn’t go to school, so I asked Pablo, if he would be interested in letting us help him learn to read.  He took a moment to consider the offer and then said, “first, you let us teach you to fish, then we can learn to read.”  Sounded like a great deal to me!  Check out the video of my first time fishing with a handline here!  

These boys were on a path to destruction and had very little exposure to any different path.  There are no fathers present in their lives, they are surrounded by drugs, alcohol, violence and poverty, but God had another plan.  I remember someone who was visiting and met Pablo turn to me and say, “that boy is so charismatic.   He is either going to do something really great or be the best drug dealer on this island.” 

I developed deep relationships with these young men along with others who poured into them like the local church, many teachers, pastor Ronny Russel, Clair Maddox, short term mission teams and many locals on the island.  This influence shaped these young men.  

I still talk with all of them on a weekly basis and while they still struggle and face pretty desperate poverty, they have all chosen a path of hope and integrity.  Three of these young men have children of their own now and have become incredible fathers.  This alone is miraculous in an environment where fathers are virtually non-existent.  Pablo, Bebe, Jarvick & Menfi are all working and striving to live a God honoring life daily.  God allowed me to play a small part in this story and it wouldn’t have been possible without you.

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