So one night this summer while I was in the states i got a call from Roatan. It was Mrs. Carolina who was with a whole bunch of the boys we work with on the island. She talked to me about life for a minute then told me how all the boys had accepted Jesus. They were super excited to tell me all about it. I was so excited to here about their experiences and to encourage them over the phone. It was such a reminder to me of the ways God works in His time.
So I got back here this summer and I am overwhelmed by how God has been working on their hearts. Over the last week I have had a few conversations with the kids and it excites me to see their desire to live out the life they have chosen but I also see the challenge laid before them. They all live in an extremely dark environment where nothing Godly is esteemed or held high. Every day consists of interactions and temptations with drugs, sex and violence. They have taken the first step toward Jesus but the path laid before them is long and hard. Its is for all of us but especially for these kids. The only Jesus they have been shown is a Jesus of rules and judgement. So they don't really understand grace and mercy. When one of them makes a mistake or does something they don't view as "Christian," they feel condemned and the people around them don't help. They are expected by others to be perfect once they have accepted Christ and if they are not, they will hear about it from their families, friends and people in church. God has brought Kendall and I back here to teach them about God's grace and to teach them what a Christian truly is.
The judgement is not their only hurdle. I believe Satan is battling for their souls. Tuesday at our mentoring program I sat with Gus for a while and I felt an evil presence pressing in on him. Its like I could see the fight taking place between good and evil. He has such a desire to change and live a life for Christ but he is being tugged back to his former life. It has been easy for me to get discouraged with all of this but I am leaning on the hope of Christ and what He has called us to do here. Pray for us and for the kids we work with, they need more breakthrough and protection.
As for Kendall and I we are loving the married life. We are getting used to living together and figuring out each others ticks. I don't like my towel to lay on the toilet or for our dog to get on the bed, Kendall hates dishes in the sink and clutter. We are learning one thing at a time. Our most frequent dinner has become frozen pizzas but we have been balancing it out with healthy smoothies and a lot of water.
We are working at the children's home 2 mornings a week, working at a resort 1-3 days a week, and mentoring kids from French Harbour throughout the week. Our schedule has not been consistent up to this point but I think we are beginning to figure it out.
The island is Hot, Hot, Hot so we have been sweating it out since we got back but last week we received and awesome blessing. I was talking with a friend who told us someone she knows wanted to donate an A/C to her but she didn't need it. She offered it to us and we were all for it. two days later I drove out east to meet the donor and to take the A/C's out of his house. It was a long and hot job but we got it out and 2 days later we were sleeping in a cool room. We are so thankful for God's provision. This is the first A/C I have had on this island and it has made the last 2 nights amazing.
Thanks for reading, Much love!