Fe Y Amor, Hasked ran up to me the other day with the biggest grin on his face and started examining my wrist. The next thing I knew he was holding his arm up to mine and giggling like a school girl!

This is Jarvick, he has been hanging out with me for over a year and is really close to my heart. He can be one of the toughest kids to work with because he is all over the place all the time but he has a great heart and has come along way from constantly begging and hitting everyone he sees.

Most of these boys have been written off as a waste of time or a threat to people on the island of Roatan. They spend most days begging for food and looking for something to keep them occupied. Many of them are can't read, have nothing to eat, and sleep in unreal environments. One of the families I work closest with has 8 people living in a one bedroom home; no running water or refrigerator. The community these kids grow up in is saturated with drugs, sex and violence which is inescapable but these kids have not been ruined. They are still full of life and the Lord is changing them. He is calling them one by one to rise up and become the leaders their community needs. I pray that God will continue to guide us as we pour into their lives. Join me in prayer for these kids and the community of French Harbour in Roatan Honduras.