-Gabby, 5 year old island girl
So the past month has been a whirlwind. I feel like the days are flying by. Kendall and I have decided to move back to the states. We will be returning Nov. 5th and Kendall will be going back to school at ECU in the Spring. I am praying and looking for a job in Greenville so lift that up to the Lord for me as well if you don’t mind.
We have been working hard with the kids in French Harbour and the kids at the orphanage. We are still doing our mentoring program where we meet once a week as a large group and throughout the week I spend time one on one with the kids. Kendall has started making and selling jewelry with one of the mothers and we are helping another mother write her autobiography. The kids are frustrating at times but I love them and am so blessed to be able to work with them. Tonight we prayed with the kids for a while and I had four of them come around me and lay their hands on me while praying for God to give me a job. The kids pray with authority so I ask them to pray for me any chance I get. Last time I asked one of the kids to pray for something specific, the prayer was answered in less than 48 hours.
As we prepare to return to the states we are really stepping out on faith in many directions. I have been working with these kids for almost 2 years and there isn’t really anyone who is going to step in and continue the work I have been doing as of yet. I have faith though that the Lord will provide and continue the good work he has started in their lives. There are two American’s who are living here and talking about starting a ministry with the same kids I work with, we are taking a tour of the community with them tom. Also my good friend Roberto has been working with the kids as well and will possibly keep our Tuesday night meeting going. I know that the Lord has used me in their lives and most of those kids have made decisions to follow Him. I believe God will work it out; if the ministry we started should continue, it will if not then something else is coming.
We are also stepping out on faith with everything that goes along with a life in the states. Apartment, cars, insurance, cell phones, jobs, school, ministry, getting there and moving to Greenville. All of these things are on my mind daily as we prepare to return but I have a peace when I give them to God. I will do my part but I know in the end God will have it His way and He will provide. God will receive the glory. Just the other day we were trying to decide whether or not to take our dog back to the states because it costs $200 for the flight and about $200 for a dog kennel. We talked about it and I made up my mind that if we could find a cheap kennel we could consider taking her back. The next day, a lady I didn’t even know gave us a kennel for free.
While we are still here though I am doing my best to make the most of every moment. We are preparing for home but also staying focused here. Pray for us to love these kids well over the next 3 weeks and to take up our crosses daily.
Here is a short exerpt from Carolina’s book that we are helping her write:
I was raised with no love, I found love out there on the street. With people that are not my family and not my color I found love. It may sound crazy but I am telling the truth.
Sometimes I look around and things are so dark, but I don’t question God. I say, “ Lord, thank you for the hardness of today, I would thank the Lord for it and when I look around in the evening, food is on my table. I didn’t question God why things were so hard. He knows the reason why. I say the same things to my the boys, “if you get one little piece of semita and one glass of water, you give God thanks, because some people out there don’t even get that to eat.” And that’s real.
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